Minirep - Minor Repairs, Minor Defects & Faulty Sensors

Does your spindle have a faulty encoder, temperature-and-tool positioning sensor, leaking cylinder or broken drawbar? We can repair those issues in a few hours – and we make these a priority.

When is a Minirepair Necessary?

You need a Minirep if your spindle was running great, with no complaints or surface finish issues, noise or vibration, until you became aware of this defect.

Conditions for a Minirepair:

If your spindle ran great before the defect, achieved good surface finishes, was not noisy and its spindle bearings did not get hot, we recommend a Minirepair.

A Minirepair would be applicable if  you have a faulty sensor, a stuck tool, a defective bearing-temperature or analog sensor, or your encoder has stopped working. Please call us with a detailed description of the problem, and we will advise you on the best repair option. We can repair those issues in a few hour, because we know you'll be down while we repair your spindle.

Contact us to evaluate your spindle repair needs.